Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 4-Structural Theory

Module 4-Structural Theory

Q How does Agnew's General Strain Theory differ from early versions of Merton's Anomie/Strain theory?Evaluate the status of the empirical research around Agnew's General Strain Theory and Messner and Rosenfeld's Institutional Anomie Theory.

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Usually, strain theories are well-known as macro level theories as they perform the role of shaping innumerable core expectations. These strain theories actually, elaborates the idea of communal order which is the outcome of some ordinary but cohesive set of rules and regulations. Secondly, these theories highlight those of rules that are broadly being shared by individuals living in a community and most importantly, the theories brings into limelight those social responses over deviance conduct which is necessary for maintaining order within the society (Featherstone et a.,2003).